Saturday, June 13, 2015

DTS Outreach: San Salvador, Week 5

Quinta semana de la cruzada: Jucum San Salvador, El Salvador
Por Juan

Domingo 7 de junio de 2015

            Fue un día de muchas emociones al preparar nuestras cosas para partir para El Salvador. Llegamos a la estaciones de buses a chequear nuestros asientos y a las dos de la tarde empezamos el recorrido, a las cuatro llegamos a la frontera y el calor era intenso, porque el bus no tenia aire acondicionado, pero nosotros teníamos un gran entusiasmo, por fin llegamos a la terminar de San Salvador. Después nos fueron a recoger y llevar nos a la base de Jucum, ansiosos de saber que nos espera en este país hermano.

Lunes 8 de junio de 2015

            Primer día en El Salvador, empezamos con nuestro desayuno, luego tenemos nuestro devocional e intercesión con Juan. Luego tenemos trabajitos que consiste en ayudar a pintar parte de las instalaciones de Jucum. Es muy alegre, todos los de la base son muy amables. Llega la hora de
 almorzar y prepararnos para nuestro primer ministerio que es en una aldea. Courtney y Francesca trabajan apoyando con niños. Brayan y Juan con mujeres y hombres mayores dando testimonio y una pequeña reflexión y por la bendita, gracia de Dios todo sale sin ningún problema, además la lluvia nos a compaña. Luego regresamos a la base donde nos esperaba una deliciosa cena y luego nos reunimos para planificar lo del día siguiente. Es un gran bendición de Dios.

Martes 9 de junio de 2015

            Segundo día en El Salvador y lo empezamos con el desayuno. Luego devocional con Francesca y adoración.  Luego nos preparamos para nuestro ministerio en una comunidad. Mientras unos ayuden en el almuerzo, otros van de casa en casa a visitar y orar por familias. Es muy especial este tiempo. Luego llegan los niños al comedor y es muy alegre compartir con ellos, conocerlos, y orar por los alimentos con ellos. Después almorzamos y realizamos una caminata de oración por la comunidad, y en cada esquina leemos un capitulo del evangelio de San Marcos y oramos por los habitantes del lugar. Así transcurre la tarde y empezamos el regreso a la base y tenemos tiempo para organizar las actividades del siguiente día. Es una bendición que personas nos reconozcan por nuestro testimonio y que les dejemos una semilla sembrada en su corazón. Eso es obra del Espirito Santo que esta con nosotros día a día.

Miércoles 10 de junio de 2015

            Nuestro tercer día en El Salvador comienza con el desayuno. Luego devocional con Brayan y luego intercesión con Juan. Lamentando la enfermedad de Courtney y Francesca. Luego vamos a la casa de los chicos para hacer trabajitos y resulta muy divertido. Luego regresamos para almorzar y prepararnos para ir a la Universidad Nacional del Salvador y evangelizar, uno a uno. Resulta muy sorprendente ver como son abiertos a recibir la palabra de Dios. Fue una experiencia muy agradable y regresamos muy contentos. Después cenamos y tuvimos una reunión para planificar lo del siguiente día. En la noche tuvimos un ministerio con prostitutas y homosexuales, y entendimos que ellos sean lo que sean, son hijos de Dios, oramos, les compartimos una galleta y gaseosa y regresamos a la base porque es muy peligroso estar en la calle muy tarde. Que Dios cambie la situación en El Salvador.

Jueves 11 de junio de 2015

            Gracias a Dios por regalarnos un día mas de vida. Empezamos con nuestro desayuno, luego tenemos devocional con Courtney. Después preparamos nuestro ministerio para un instituto cristiano y allí pasamos todo el día y compartimos con dos grupos de estudiantes. En el segundo cuando hicimos la invitación a recibir a Cristo nos llevamos la sorpresa de que 25 jóvenes pasaron y recibieron a Cristo.  En la tarde tuvimos una visita al hospital y repartimos café y galletas y oramos por muchas personas. Fue una experiencia agradable. También tuvimos la oportunidad de platicar con muchas personas y nos asombramos que muchas personas saben de Cristo pero no lo siguen y no lo han recibido. Regresamos a la base para la cena y tuvimos nuestra reunión para planificar el siguiente día.

Viernes 12 de junio de 2015

            Terminamos nuestra primera semana en El Salvador con muchas bendiciones. Este día lo iniciamos con nuestro desayuno. Después iniciamos nuestro camino para ir a una aldea a evangelizar y participar en el servicio de la iglesia que nos proporcionaron energía eléctrica, allí compartimos dramas, testimonios y aunque tuvimos varios inconvenientes nada nos detuvo para ir a dar la palabra de Dios. Luego almorzamos y nos preparamos para el servicio. Allí compartimos un drama, luego Juan dio su testimonio y reflexión. Todos los hermanos pasaran para orar por ellos. Fue muy emocionante. Algo que nos llamo la atención es que todas las personas de esa aldea son muy amables y muy abiertas para escucharlo a uno. Que dios bendiga a esta aldea. 

By Courtney
June 8th
We are in El Salvador! Our first morning here was spent painting. As a team we had fun painting together. In the afternoon we went to a poor neighborhood where the girls of the team helped teach English to little kids and the boys of the team shared with the adults of the community. Francesca and I helped teach children ages six and younger the colors, numbers, and fruits in English. We played several games to help them remember what we taught them and had fun jumping up and down, running around, and coloring with the kids.
June 9th
Today we spent our day helping with a feeding program in a near by community. Part of our team left to visit families near by in the community for part of the morning. We prayed for a beautiful woman who asked us for prayer for doubts she is having about her faith in God. She also asked for prayer for her husband who is struggling with alcohol and the affect that is having on her and her two sons. We talked with her and her family and were able to encourage and will continue to pray for them. We returned to the feeding program help serve lunch to over 50 children. We served them a healthy lunch of rice, beans, eggs, and tortillas along with lemonade. We then split into two groups and went for a prayer walk around the community. At each corner we stopped to read a portion of scripture. One group read the book of Mark, the other the book of Ephesians.
June 10th
Today, both of the girls were sick and did not join the rest of the team for the day's activities. The boys spent the morning doing work duties at the house they are staying at. In the afternoon the team went and did one on one evangelism at a public university. They had a great time learning the students stories as well as sharing the word of God with them and praying for them. They talked to students who were Catholics, some who were having doubts about the existence of the God of the Bible. They also talked with prayed for, and encouraged two girls who have the desire to be missionaries in the future.
June 11th
Today we had the opportunity to share dramas and testimonies at a Christian School. We performed some new dramas and each member of the team shared their testimony. Francesca was still not feeling well and stayed back at the base. After the presentations, we invited the students to come up if they needed prayer for anything. It was a blessing to see many of the students come forward and wrap their arms around one another and pray for each other as we prayed over all of them. In the afternoon we went to a hospital and gave cookies and coffee to people in the waiting room of the hospital. We then asked if we could pray for them. We prayed for two mothers whose sons had been in accidents. One of the sons was still in a coma. We prayed for complete healing for both of their sons. Brayan began to preach to the people and prayed for and encouraged many of them.
June 12th
Today we left early in the morning for a village over three hours away. We rode to the village with the wife of the pastor of the church we were going to be working with. After driving up a very bumpy road, getting a flat tire, and changing the tire, we arrived in the village. We first visited families and prayed for them, and then put on dramas and gave testimonies at a house in the middle of the village. We prayed for a mother whose daughter is in the United States and is facing trouble with immigration. We also prayed for the father of this family and encouraged them to seek God and attend a church. We then went to the church service where we were received warmly and worshipped along with the congregation. We put on a drama, and Juan preached a message. We then invited the people of the church to come forward for prayer. Almost the entire church came forward and let us have the blessing of praying for them. We then ate a delicious dinner at the home of the pastors.
June 14th
Today was a long but great day! We left early in the morning to work all day at the church of the pastors we met on Friday. In the morning we shared stories and played games with around fifty children from the surrounding village. In the afternoon we walked around the town and invited people to the church service that night. At the church service we shared dramas and testimonies and a preaching on our identity in Christ as Christians. After the message we prayed for members of the church who came forward to receive prayer. The presence of the Holy Spirit was strong and it was a time of encouragement for many members of the church. After the service we again went to the pastors house for dinner. We celebrated Francesca's 21st birthday with a dinner of pupusas followed by cake.
July 15th

Today our morning was spent painting a school. In the afternoon we split the children into two groups and shared dramas, testimonies, and the gospel message with each group. We were able to share with the students about the life they can have in Christ. We were told that many of the children came from difficult circumstances at home. We will be returning to the same school to minister again tomorrow and are praying that God will be opening the hearts of the children.

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