Tuesday, June 30, 2015

DTS Outreach San Miguel Chicaj, Week 7

Week 7 by Courtney
June 22nd
Yesterday we arrived in San Miguel Chicaj and settled into the YWAM base here. This morning we began our day with a prayer walk around town. We prayed mostly for the spiritual atmosphere, as
many Mayan beliefs are practiced alongside Christianity in this area. This afternoon we thought we would be doing youth ministry, but upon arriving at the church we discovered that we would be doing children's ministry instead. We prepared an impromptu program and ended up having a great time playing with the fourteen children who showed up. We did dramas for them, told them about their identity in Christ and then played some lively games of musical chairs and duck duck goose. They participated more than most groups of children have, which made things lots of fun for everyone!
June 23rd
This morning our day started with kids ministry at a church that was a bit of a walk away over rocks, hills and a swinging bridge. The area was beautiful. We taught about fifty well behaved children the creation story and shared dramas and songs with them. The pastor of the church then served us a
snack that was so filling we did not need much lunch!
This afternoon we went to the same church as yesterday and first did a program for the youth of the church. We did dramas, and gave a message on our identity in Christ. After the program, many of the youth came forward and shared how they were encouraged by our message. We then did dramas and shared a message during the church service that night. We asked anyone in the congregation who needed prayer to come forward. Many people came forward. We prayed for a woman whose family had been cursed by a witch. The witch had cursed her sob, and told her that he would die. She fasted and prayed for two days and her son did not die, but her and her family and community are still suffering the effects of this witchcraft. We also prayed for and encouraged several young girls, many of whom have very difficult home lives.
June 24th
Today we drove to a village in the mountains to spend the day. We spent the morning praying for families and encouraging them. We prayed for two women who were having issues in with their husbands, as well as for a family who had recently lost their father. In the afternoon we led a service at the church. We performed dramas, gave our testimonies and gave a message on our identity in Christ. We were then able to pray for many members of the congregation who were sick, or had other prayers requests.
June 25th
This morning we did children's ministry in a church in the mountains. We worked with about fifty children who were excited to hear the stories we brought for them. They really enjoyed playing duck duck goose, cat and mouse, and having their faces painted.
After lunch we went to the local hospital to pray for the patients. We prayed for several mothers and
their newborn babies, as well as some children who had broken arms. We prayed for a little girl named Kimberli who had fallen and broken her arm. She had a doll named Tootsi that she proudly introduced us to and then told me the few words she knew in English. One group prayed for a man who had attempted to take his own life. They were able to pray for and encouraged him and his teenage daughter who was at the hospital with him.
June 26th
This morning we worked and cleaned up around the base. We did yard work and cleaned lots of windows.

This afternoon we had the opportunity to go and minister at a prison. The girls talked to the three women prisoners and prayed for them . Francesca shared her testimony and some verses from the Bible. Two of the women were open to receiving prayer and shared a bit of their stories with us. Meanwhile, the guy students talked with the male prisoners. Juan shared that even though his throat had been hurting, God gave him the strength to shout so all of the prisoners could hear him. Several prisoners repented and gave their lives to Christ! 

Septimo semana de la cruzada: Jucum San Miguel Chicaj
por Juan

Lunes 22 de junio del 2015

            Por la bendita gracia de Dios iniciamos nuestra penúltima semana en San Miguel Chicaj. La cual iniciamos con una caminata de oración alrededor de la aldea, fue una experiencia muy buena. Luego almorzamos y arreglamos las cosas para el ministerio en la aldea Guachipilin, con niños y para nosotros fueron el grupo mas activo en toda nuestra cruzada. Ya que bailaron, cantaron, y jugaron con una energía muy elevada. Un buen inicio de semana siempre sintiendo la presencia de Dios.

Martes 23 de junio del 2015

            Segundo día en San Miguel Chicaj, después del desayuno nos dirigimos a la aldea Dolores y allí ya nos estaban esperando los niños en la iglesia. Tuvimos títeres, juegos, pintamos caritas, y colorearon, luego tuvimos una refacción en la que nos obsequiaran tamalitos con frijoles negros que estaban muy ricos. Luego almorzamos y nos dirigimos otra vez a la aldea Dolores, pero esta vez con jóvenes. Allí tuvimos dramas, testimonios, y predica. Luego nos dieron a comer la comida típica de le lugar que es el Poxbol y era muy rica. En la noche estuvimos en el servicio, también con dramas, testimonio, y predica. Fue un día lleno de bendiciones.

Miércoles 24 de junio del 2015

            Cada día que pasa sentimos el gran amor que Dios nos tiene, nuestro tercer día empieza con nuestro desayuno y emprendemos el viaje para otro aldea, pero tenemos un camino de dos horas en el microbús y luego media hora en un 4x4. Al llegar a la aldea empezamos la visita a familias de el lugar y nos damos cuenta en las condiciones en las que viven. Luego nos sirven un delicioso caldo de gallina como almuerzo que no podemos resistir. Después participamos en el servicio de la iglesia donde compartimos dramas, testimonios, predicas, y luego oramos por las necesidades de los hermanos. Para luego tomar el regreso cuando estábamos por llegar al microbús, se nos vino una fuerte lluvia que lo tomamos como una despida del lugar.

Jueves 25 de junio del 2015

            Cuarto día en San Miguel Chicaj, lo iniciamos con nuestro desayuno. Luego vamos a la aldea San Francisco, donde tenemos un club de niños, jugamos, dramas, canciones, y pinta caritas. Fue una mañana muy emocionante. También esta semana estuvimos en dos lugares que hay puentes de hamacas como Dios nos mostro en oraciones en nuestras intercesiones. Luego en la tarde fuimos a orar por enfermos al hospital National de Salama, y ver a las personas muy abiertas a recibir oración es muy especial. En la noche fuimos a una iglesia en la aldea el rincón, allí hubo dramas, testimonio, y predica. Luego oramos por los hermanos, es nuestro penúltima noche en San Miguel Chicaj y hemos recibido muchas bendiciones. Amen.

Viernes 26 de junio del 2015

            Ultimo día en San Miguel Chicaj. Después del desayuno nos dirigimos a hacer trabajitos, que es desmontar y limpiar la casa que esta a la par de la base, los hombres. Mientras las mujeres hacer limpieza tanto adentro como afuera de la base. Fue un tiempo muy alegre y que nos unió mas como Jucumeros. Luego almorzamos y después nos dirigimos a la cárcel de Salama. Allí hablamos y damos testimonios a los presos y nos damos cuenta que aunque hemos hecho cosas malas, también tienen sentimientos unos doblaron rodillas y lloraron arrepentidos de lo que han hecho y nos dan sus nombres, para que los llevemos en oración porque ellos quieren que Dios los transforme. Después de la cena, Katy nos obsequió helado y hay palabras de despedida y hay una oración por nuestro grupo. Nos don un recuerdo de San Miguel y el ambiente se llena de nostalgia. Dios bendiga San Miguel Chicaj.

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