Saturday, November 20, 2010

Haiti Outreach

Our DTS has just completed our 5th week of outreach to Haiti. We are partnering with ReachHaiti Ministries located in Croix de Bouquet and have been focusing mainly on evangelism through door to door visitations and open air evangelism using the "Jesus" film. We have seen over a 100 people come to Christ and have helped start a new church from the converts that have been made. We are doing a Bible study in the afternoon and have about 15-20 people attending. They are hungry for God's Word and the students are able to share from their DTS experiences to help them grow in Christ.

Last Thursday we showed the film to a crowd of 300 people. We have shown the film twice before in this area but both times had to quit before the film ended due to rain. Thursday we got through the entire film but did not give an invitation at the end because the generator that powered the audio system ran out of fuel. The people immediately scattered as it was very dark. We trust the Lord to have spoken to many hearts through the film and leave the result up to Him.

We have 2 more weeks of outreach in Haiti before returning to Guatemala to finish the outreach and end the 5 month DTS. It has been a great outreach thus far and we look forward to the final 2 weeks of great ministry with many more people coming to Christ and seeing believers encouraged and strengthened in their faith.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Haiti Outreach

Our current DTS is conducting ministry in Haiti. We spent our first 2 weeks working with a church in Port a Prince and in Barbancourt. We conducted ministry in schools and churches using dramas, testimonies and teachings. It has been challenging to be here mainly because of the hot weather, lack of electricity and shortage of water.
We are now at our second ministry site in Fonds Parisiens which is located close to the border. We have visited and ministered in a special project area that is very poor. Many of the children have little clothing and food is scarce for them. Today we gave out some food but not nearly enough to meet the needs of the people here.
Haiti is battling an outbreak of Cholera. We had a couple of people living near our last ministry site die from it. Tropical Storm Tomas is predicted to hit Haiti this weekend and the government is trying to evacuate some of the tent cities in Port a Prince as they anticipate strong winds and heavy rain in the city which will destroy some of the tents and cause further damage.
Please keep our team and Haiti in your prayers.