Thursday, December 14, 2017

DTS Outreach December 3-9

On Sunday we went on Captain Robert’s boat the El Bluff, an island about an hour away. At El Bluff we helped a church with the children’s ministry and preaching. There were about 15 adults and 30 children at the service. Half of our group helped out with a seminar for 2 days at Verbo church. There were 20 adults there both days. The seminar was on prayer and listening to the voice of God. The other half of our group went to the park for evangelism. On the first day they talked to 11 people and prayed for 10 of them. On the second day they prayed for 12 of the 15 people they talked to. We visited a children’s home in Bluefields were most of the children were familiar from church. There were 14 children. We spent the morning with them playing games , singing songs, and talking. After that we invited people in the neighbourhood to a church service we were having the following Sunday. One of the nights we had a movie night at the base. 9 youth came from a local youth group. We had a feeding program for children at the local fast food restaurant Tip Top. We got to ride the bus with the kids, play games, eat, and dance with them. There were 170 kids in total. In the evening we had a youth group with 12 teenagers and we got to pray for each one one on one.

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