Monday, December 7, 2015

DTS Outreach Week 6: La Ceiba, Honduras

It took all day, but we arrived in La Ceiba safely.  Thankfully, God saved Heidi and Jaimie from serious injuries when a rock was thrown through their window on the bus.  The window completely shattered within seconds after the rock flew through.  They were hit with glass in the face and along their arms.  Thankfully they came out with only a few tiny scratches on their arms.  We were only 10 minutes from arriving at our destination in La Ceiba.  God watches over us no matter where we are or what situation we are in.
Our first few mornings we spent painting the outside of the pastor’s house.  Before beginning to actually paint, we had to peel away the old paint that was loose at the bottom of the wall and sweep the entire house to rid it of cobwebs and dust.  Monday went well after we fixed the little mess we got ourselves into.  Different people were told different things and we started painting with two different shades of paint.  They were quite close so it was an easy fix and we are all glad that the mistake was caught early in the process.  Many of us stayed on level ground while others were willing to go up the old, rickety wooden ladder to reach the very top of the wall where the rollers would not reach.  That person also painted behind the caged windows so the wall was completely painted one color.
There was no children’s ministry this week but we participated in several services.  Almost every night of the week, something is going on in the church.  People always seem to be gathering to corporately worship the great God we serve.  Worship here is very lively.  Along the coast, the people are descendants of the African slaves that were brought over years ago.  It has been a joy for us to participate in lively worship with them.  To sum it up, they fell their freedom to worship.  Hands go up all around the room, people keep beat to the drums by clapping their hands, people join hands to show they are not alone, shouts of praise and joy ring to the heavens and people sway as the Holy Spirit moves freely inside them.
We prepared for a youth conference which took place on Saturday.  Thursday afternoon we helped make center pieces for the tables.  Friday night we helped in the service as usual, but afterwards was when the real work started.  We were at the church until 11pm setting up and decorating for the conference which took place on Saturday.  During the conference, Yuli and Jaimie had the opportunity to preach.  Their topics were “Changing a generation through a life of dedication” by Yuli, and “Changing a generation through a life of service” by Jaimie.  The stories of Daniel and Joseph were both very helpful to their topics.  God truly speaks to people as they prepare to speak.  Those that deliver the message always seem to receive more than most of the people receive.  God works in mysterious ways.  We were there from 8am until a little after 6pm.  We were all so extremely tired and many of us were sick.  We decided not to wait an hour for the evening service to start and just went home.
“Being a leader is an opportunity to serve and not boast about a title or what you have.”  Manolo reminded us of this while at the conference on Saturday.  While he may not have been trying to come up with a great quote, it is 100% true.  While the coast is a big tourist attraction and the scenery reminds us of being back home in the States, we are here as missionaries to serve and not boast about what we could do while here.

Please keep our team in your prayers.  I’d like to share some of our specific prayers with you all.  We all need health prayers.  Many of us are getting sick with colds, bronchitis, headaches, twisted ankles etc.  As a team, we have been praying for each other for physical healing and also for the strength to finish what we have started.  We want to stay unified as one under the name of Jesus.  Prayers are greatly appreciated also as we think about coming home to our friends and family.  We all want smooth transitions back into our own cultures.  God Bless!

Día 1: domingo 29 de noviembre.
Viajamos todo el día desde las 3:30 am hasta las 8:30 pm. Cenamos nos ubicaron y si termino el día.

Día 2: lunes 30 de noviembre.
El día empezó con el devocional dado por Manolo y después desayunamos a las 8:00 am. En la mañana pintaron las paredes de la casa del pastor Nino. Almorzamos y tuvimos tiempo de adoración dirigida por Jaimie y luego tiempo de Intercesión dirigida por Eliza. Parte de la tarde fue libre después cenamos y así termino el día.
Día 3: martes 1 de diciembre.
 El día empezó con el devocional dado por Yuli y después desayunamos a las 8:00 am. En la Mañana se siguió pintando las paredes de la casa del pastor Nino. Almorzamos y tuvimos tiempo de adoración dirigido por Jaimie y luego tiempo de intercesión dirigido por Yuli. Parte de la tarde fue libre después cenamos y fuimos al servicio allí nos presentaron e hicimos un drama. Regresamos y tuvimos tiempo de compartir altas y bajas del día y así termino nuestro día.
Día 4: miércoles 2 de diciembre.
El día empezó con el devocional dado por Jaimie y después desayunamos a las 8:00 am.  Después en la mañana fuimos hacer evangelismo en el parque de la ceiba. Regresamos y almorzamos. En la tarde tuvimos intercesión dirigida por Heidi y el resto de la tarde fue libre. Cenamos y fuimos al servicio en la noche donde ministramos y dirigimos. Regresamos y compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.

Día 5: viernes 3 de diciembre.
El día empezó con el devocional dado por Eliza y después desayunamos a las 8:00 am. Tuvimos adoración dirigida por Jaimie y Se termino de pintar la parte que faltaba de la casa del pastor Nino en la mañana. A medio día almorzamos y luego en la tarde ayudamos a hacer los adornos para el congreso del sábado. Cenamos y fuimos a la iglesia donde compartimos la dirección del servició con el equipo que venía del Salvador. Después del Servicio adornamos y así termino el día.
Día 6: Sábado 9 de Diciembre.
Empezamos el día con devocional dado Haidi después desayunamos. Estuvimos todo el día en el congreso donde Jaimie y Yuli dieron plenarias y todos estuvimos sirviendo en el congreso. En la noche compartimos altar y bajas. Después regresamos a la casa y así termino el día.

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