Tuesday, December 16, 2014

DTS Outreach to Nepal Week 7

Week 7 blog

12/1- Monday
Monday started off wonderful we were told we were going to go minister and love on kids that live on the street. The interesting part was we went to this forest type of park there were monkeys and cows just freely walking around but we got to play soccer with the kids and then for those who wanted a sweet hair cut , we happily accepted the challenge! We also told the story of David an Goliath after that we were able to give them a meal. Such a sobering time with these kids who have to either work extremely hard or beg just to survive and these were kids not teenagers or adults but some were literally smaller children not even 11 years old. That is why the woman leading the kings kids ministry has such a passion and heart for these kids and only by the grace of God. It is His heart for these kids that He has given her. That night we went out Christmas caroling, but not just the normal kind we gave a gospel message after to explain why an what we were doing. Very awesome time to sing about Jesus in public and to share about him. Before all this to get in the "mood" we decorated the house we stayed at. Great way to end a Monday with some good ol caroling!

12/2- Tuesday
Today started off with us loading up to head over to an elderly lady's home. We gave an encouraging word about how if God was watching over Hagar and Ishmael, and they were slaves and a not wanted child due to Isaac. That God will take care of us as we trust Him ,and as we seek Him that He won't ever fail us. This message was after of coarse some jolly festive songs. Then we prayed with and over some of them. This time was an amazing time to see the people who serve these women everyday. All were volunteers except the full time cook, so it was great to see them also encouraged by the word we shared with all those who were there.

12/3- Wednesday
In the morning we started by heading to a local sports area to have personal evangelism and pass out tracts to those we couldn't communicate with. While here we met a team of semi-pro soccer (football) players that were all from the continent of Africa. Many different countries but all from Africa. So we spoke with them while they weren't scrimmaging and had many good conversations with other people as well. After this we headed home for a quick lunch then went out to a church that has a youth slum ministry. We taught the kids a song and played games after telling them the story of David and Goliath. As you can see we reuse a lot of the same dramas every time there are new kids. It was a great time with those precious kids. Then a couple of us went to a new believers house to pray with her and over her children. We have been so blessed as God uses us to help others, it in turn seems to have helped us more than us doing the helping.

12/4- Thursday
This morning was a special blessing because we were able to visit a kids hospital to pray over lots of kids. It was a very hard time to see some of what these kids were going through, but at the same time this is no problem for the same God who raised Christ from the grave. We just wanted to be Christ's loving arms for these kids even though it was only a short time. Then we headed back to the kings kids house and loaded up to meet together again as a whole team. Yes, we all met back up in order to move to another location to help church new planting pastor. We arrived after a shirt drive to a location a little outside of Kathmandu.

12/5- Friday
Today was what everyone thought of when we heard our outreach was to Nepal and India. We started off early in the morning climbing mountains then went into and shared gospel with villagers who do not have a church near. They have a house church for all the believers there. We were able to share the gospel house to house and give out bible that are in Nepali. After this we headed home for lunch and later had a youth group meeting. We had a time of worship with the youth and gave a encouraging message after a drama. Today was a very full day and an extremely rewarding day to get to share the good news and encourage believers.

12/6- Saturday
Saturday as the day of worship is still new to us but so awesome that only Nepal and Israel worship on Saturdays instead of Sundays. We had the kids from the church group as we lead the kids service. We did two stories of Jonah and Daniel about how God will protect us when we obey Him and trust in Him. We also had two crafts for them to take home in Oder to remember the stories. We also did chewchiwa with them, if you know what that is, if you don't it's a very funny dance and song that kids love. It was so fun to lead this time the kids were wild as kids should be but it was so fun! That afternoon we went and played soccer (football) by church with the pastor and locals who were quite good at soccer (football).

12/7- Sunday
Sunday was a special time as we loaded up to head to a small hotel for the night far out of town. The hotel is right in front of the Himalayas so the sunrise and sunset are beyond beautiful. Also during very clear mornings you can see Mt. Everest. It's so awesome to see how creative our God is and to think we are the blessed ones given dominion over this and also made in HIS image. Wow reflecting times like this are so good to refocus on our God and not on our circumstances or even ourselves. Just a wonderful time to praise our God! We stayed here overnight and will head back in the afternoon the following day to enjoy a time of kids ministry.

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