Sunday, November 23, 2014


Week Number 3 of India

Monday 3rd of November
                As usual Mondays have been the day of rest for the group and that did not change this week. Some did head to a local mall we found that week, while others stayed at the church and also went to play basketball with some of the new friends we made. Pretty chill day to prepare for what God had in store for the upcoming week.

Tuesday 4th of November
                This morning we split into 3 different groups and hopped onto the train to embark on an epic prayer walk.  Little did we know what God had in store but we were ready! While on our own journeys one of the teams was practicing their Hindi, which is the national language of India, met a extremely

nice local man. After talking for awhile he stated that he would like to help in any way possible and we talked it over and decided that we would meet the next day for a possible time of food distribution. We then had lunch and finalized all preparations for that nights kids ministry. We did a skit of "House on the Rock" for the kids and explained that when you build your life on Jesus and what the Bible says then when bad things happen it won't be able to shake you, because Jesus always has our back! Those kids are just beyond awesome and are always a highlight of any day to spend time with.

Wednesday 5th of November
                The plan for this morning was to finish all our sermons and to prepare to give "open air" Gospel messages. Great morning of hearing from God and getting to get ready for the busy upcoming couple of days of ministry. Then after we headed to meet the man from the previous day in order to find a spot for the food distribution and to see if there were any new possible sites for ministry. So we again headed for the most fun trains in the entire world. Let me tell you the youth of India makes anyone feel like a movie star. Every kid runs up to you and wants to take pictures and you to write your name on their papers. So precious and such a great time to be Jesus hands and feet and a great way to talk about His love to them by loving on them in person. Directly from that stop we headed to a church we had previously been to in order to lead the service. We led the worship and preached, and it is always such a great time of refreshment to fellowship with believers here by where we are staying.

Thursday 6th of November
                We finally found more than one translator, praise God, and we met them the previous day while planning the food distribution. Come to find out they live right down the road from us yet we met them a couple of towns away. We had a time of personal evangelism with our new translator at the train station. It went very well, for one of the first times we could fully communicate with anybody in order to share the Good News. We then headed to meet a pastor who we had preached at his church for the last two Wednesdays, in order to do a time of open air evangelism. We visited, for our open air time, a little group of houses right along the railroad which none of the people had heard the Gospel message until that day. Two people asked Jesus into their hearts and publicly came forward in front of their families. What an honor it is to be a part of times like these. We all fall short, but God still uses us
in our weakness or in ways we would have never thought possible. Directly from here the pastor took us to his house and we were given the best chai tea ever. We then had to rush across town in order to be on time to a bible study we were to lead that night. We did a couple
worship songs then had a time of group prayer with them. All in all this was one of the best days since being here!

Friday 7th of November
                The days had been getting longer and longer, but it was well worth it because more and more people were accepting the message of Jesus that we were blessed to share with them. We had a time of intercession around 3 in the afternoon and from that we went to the local train station and held a time of open air evangelism. This night did not differ from past nights again two people accepted Jesus into their hearts. We were also able to pass out a ton of tracts and help people get plugged in to local churches in the area.  This is what God called us here to do and we were doing exactly that!

Saturday 8th of November
                This morning began like all great mornings do with a time of worship and then intercession. We then got ready to go to our food distribution site. A couple of us went a little early in order to get all the supplies we would need. This was not the usual food distribution because we had a kids program first and then a time of open air evangelism before handing out the food. We stayed at this location for quite awhile to spend time with the kids, and talk with all the adults who also were just presented with the free gift of salvation also the choice that comes with it. Had a blast with the kids some of us played tug-o-war, while others just played music for the kids. From here we split into 2 teams and one went to another location for an open air evangelism time, and the other headed to a church to lead worship. The open air went great another girl asked Jesus into her heart, so the entire day was summed up in just moment. If all of heaven parties when some accepts Jesus, we sure as well better be excited too. Lives are not the same not only the people in India, but us as students are forever changed as well.


Sunday 9th of November
                This Sunday was going to be our busiest day yet and no better way to start it off then at church. Then right after service we headed outside and had a huge field kids program that totaled seventy plus kids! We did the story of Jonah and The house on the Rock, followed by an older kids craft and younger kids coloring time. We then had a blast doing relay races and yes everyone joined in even the leaders.

During this church service we realized that there was another YWAM team at the
church too so they stayed for the whole kids club too. The church then cooked us up some great Indian food to say thanks for the kids program!  After this we headed back to church we are staying at as a little rest time for the night to come. Again we split into two teams one again went to a house church then the other group headed out to the train station for some personal evangelism time. God is so great, before leaving we prayed that He would send the people He wanted to speak to through us into our path that night. Let me just say He did exactly that! Three people received Jesus into their hearts other were told how to find the local churches. While having a conversation on the Gospel with a man, he told the students he was talking to, "I don't know why I am even talking to you in all honesty, I never walk this way coming home its always too busy." He not only invited those students for dinner to his home the next night, but also became a lifetime friend. This is in part some of the things that are changing all of us students, as we offer the Gospel that has the power to change generations, the reactions are lasting and changing us! Stay tuned into the blog for all updates and praise reports. All the praise to our Father for the gift of Jesus, that now those who were once blind may now see and in turn go preach in His name!


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