Sunday, June 22, 2014

DTS Outreach Update

As we are coming up on our last week of outreach, it's crazy to look back on everything. Panama was such an incredible time for all of us. We got to work with a Catholic boys home and spend some time just encouraging the boys, playing with them, doing a Bible study with them and just hanging out. The boys were really attentive and engaged and we are praying that God is continuing to water and grow the seeds that were planted. We also went to some different work camps for the indigenous and got to do kid's ministry with the kids there. The time in Panama was really refreshing and encouraging. On our way back to Costa Rica we met some backpackers and got to hang out with them as well as give them tracts and pray for them. That was a fun opportunity and chance to connect with another group of people. Now we are on Lake Atitlan...everything has gone really smoothly and we've been enjoying the beauty of this place as well as the people. The first five days we were here we worked in a village called Tzununa. Children's ministry was a large part of what we did there. We just hung out in the main square and did songs, games, and Bible stories with them. They all enjoyed it a lot and we had fun with them. We felt a little bit like we were in a zoo because the place we were staying at opened right onto the street and we had kids just hanging out in the doorway watching us a lot of the time! Doing Bible distribution here was a really great opportunity because we were going into places where people really wanted Bibles but didn't have any so it was such a blessing for us to be able to give that to them.  We prayed against a lot of alcoholism within different families which unfortunately seemed to be a common struggle for a lot of the people in this village. We are now starting out our last two weeks fairly strong! Leah and Andrea are a little under the weather so prayers for their full recovery would be appreciated. We are doing lots of open air preaching and evangelism this week so prayers for open doors and boldness are also needed :). Thanks for all your love, support, encouragement, and prayers. It's been great seeing God work in little and big ways during our time here and also all the things that he has been teaching us each and every day. We are so thankful that He brought us to this place and that He is always with us no matter what!!! 

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