Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DTS Week 5

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."
We are now in our fifth week of the DTS and it has been a great time of learning, bonding and seeking God. So far we have had teaching on these areas:
Week 1: Intimacy with God
Week 2: The nature and character of God
Week 3: The Father heart of God and His family
Week 4: Intercession
This week we are learning about Supernatural ministry and it has been awesome. God is moving in our hearts preparing us for the ministry he wants us to be involved in on a daily basis.
We are praying into our outreach and waiting for confirmation of destinations in Belize, Mexico and Guatemala.

Our next DTS will be July 25-December 11, 2010. If you want to be a part of a life changing experience we invite you to go to our website and download our application.

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