Sunday, August 31, 2008

video tour

During the past month 5 members of the World Race have been working in Antigua doing a variey of ministries. They have put together a video of some of their experiences which include activities with YWAM Antigua. Here is the link to the site where the video as well as some pictures are posted.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome to YWAM Antigua!

Thank you for checking out our blog for YWAM Antigua. We will be posting blogs at this site on a regular basis along with photos, videos, etc. of the ministry that is happening in Guatemala. Our base will be taking in teams for ministry during the next year and we want to encourage you to contact us to set up outreach dates as soon as possible. We have a variety of ministry options available for groups.
We are also looking for more YWAMers to join us on staff and specifically we are praying for 5 people who have a passion and calling to coffee house ministry. If this is you please contact us at or