La Ceiba Week 7
What can I say? Our team has been on outreach for the past seven weeks now. We have seen and done some amazing things here. Actually the truth is, God has done everything. He has provided everything we need and worked miracles through us. He gave us strength on the days we felt weak, healing on the days we were sick, energy when the kids needed to be loved, and patience when we feel overwhelmed. God doesn’t have to prove that he is anything, but he has proven to be faithful time and time again. With God, all things are possible and we have seen him do some pretty impossible things.
This has been our last full week of ministry here in La Ceiba and definitely not an easy week. Every member of our team including the leaders and Bruce have been sick this week. A bad cough has swept over each of us, more severe for some of us. Jaimie went to the clinic on Monday to get checked out. We received news that she has bronchitis or pneumonia; they did not take an x-ray so we can’t be sure, either way it’s serious. Most of the week she did not have the energy to do anything and was prohibited from participating in children’s ministry. That was tough because each of us thoroughly enjoy children’s ministry. Most everyone else was healthy enough to participate with an occasional person staying back to rest.
Since this is Jaimie writing the blog, I truly don’t know all of what happened this week. I apologize for that but have gathered information from those who have participated in the ministries. Monday morning, the team went to the church to work on the building. To start, they sanded part of the walls as they are in need of a new coat of paint very soon. Unfortunately, they did not get the opportunity to return to finish the painting job. With everything they do, they give 100% and as I stayed back to go the doctor, I did my part by praying for them. Sometimes, all we can do is pray. We pray for prosperity, the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance, God to move mightily in people’s lives, health, energy, and joy. God answers each and every request. There have been times that we feel God is not answering us, but sometimes that is because he has not answered them in the way we wanted him to. We go through trials because God is showing us the way he has for us. Times do come where our schedule is changed because God wants to use us in a different way.
Tuesday through Thursday we did a mixture of children’s ministry and house visits. Children’s ministry has been a challenge this week. The reason for this is that the culture is different here than in the other places we’ve been and therefore, the church is also run differently. It is not uncommon to find that many people talk during the church service; in fact this is the normal. Children’s ministry is just the same. They do not sit still and pay attention very long and it is not just the “little ones” who get restless. All feel the need to move around or talk to their neighbor. While it is a hard part of culture to understand, we must accept it as truth and act accordingly to help the children to the best of our ability even through our feelings of unworthiness or incapability.
Pierce and Yuli had the opportunity to fulfill an appointment that only God could have set up. They visited the TV station down here for an interview. This station is partnered with one channel in the United States as well. Only Pierce was interviewed. Time ran out before Yuli had the opportunity to be interviewed but she took pictures and was there to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide Pierce’s thoughts and words.
House visits was enjoyable as I was able to participate very minimally with the rest of the team. Not being able to hold the little children was so very hard for me because the children capture my heart in an instant. God continued to give me the strength to overcome and a joy to be faithful during the times I did participate. We have received no word of healings in the past few weeks but that does not mean that God is not moving. There have been many times that he has chosen to move within us during the times we did not want to participate in ministry. On the days we did not want to spend time in intercession because we simply wanted to go to bed seemed to be the nights that God would speak to us the most. In all things, keep a good attitude and do those very things you don’t want to as though you were doing them for God and not for men. Colossians 3:23 reminds us of that and so we correct our attitude and he continues to be faithful.
Día 1: domingo 6 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día con devocional de Pierce después desayunamos. A las 8 fuimos a la iglesia y tuvimos ministerio con niños enfocado en misiones. Después almorzamos y tuvimos un tiempo libre. Cenamos y fuimos al servicio en la noche enfocado también en misiones. Después regresamos a casa y compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 2: lunes 7 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día desayunando después fuimos a la iglesia a hacer trabajitos en la mañana. Almorzamos y fuimos a visitar y a evangelizar casa por casa con algunas hermanas de la iglesia. Regresamos a casa. Cenamos y después tuvimos devocional por Manolo seguimos con adoración por Eliza y por ultimo intercesión dirigida por Manolo. Luego compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 3: martes 8 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día con el devocional por Yuli después desayunamos. En la mañana tuvimos ministerio con los niños de la iglesia. Bruce Pierce y Yuli fueron a la radio después regresaron a la casa. Cenamos y después tuvimos intercesión dirigida por Jaimie. Compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 4: miércoles 9 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día con el devocional por Jaimie después desayunamos. En la mañana tuvimos ministerio con los niños de la iglesia. Almorzamos y después fuimos a visitar y evangelizar casa por casa con algunas hermanas de la iglesia. Cenamos y fuimos al servicio de la noche. Regresamos a casa y compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 5: jueves 10 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día con el devocional por Eliza después desayunamos. En la mañana tuvimos ministerio con los niños de la iglesia. Almorzamos y después fuimos a visitar y evangelizar casa por casa con algunas hermanas de la iglesia. Después tuvimos adoración por Eliza y Compartimos altas y bajas. Cenamos y así termino el día
Día 6: viernes 11 de diciembre.
Empezamos el día con el devocional por Heidi después desayunamos. En la mañana tuvimos evangelismo en el parque de la Ceiba. Regresamos a casa a la 1 de la tarde. Almorzamos y en la tarde tuvimos adoración dirigida por Eliza e intercesión en la playa dirigida por Pierce. Cenamos y fuimos al servicio de la iglesia y ministramos. Regresamos a casa y compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
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