Week 5: Sam Miguel
Heaven Meets Earth
Our week in San Miguel Chicaj was very short. For some it felt even shorter because they
were unable to participate with the team due to an illness. We all learned different things. Jaimie learned how to overcome frustration
through prayer for her team. Even though
she was unable to participate in house visits for two days, she learned just
how important her prayers still are over those her team is encountering. Prayer also empowers her teammates giving
them the strength they need to continue praying over others. Yuli has learned the importance of patience. As she stayed back one day, she learned to
simply wait for God’s perfect timing even when we want to do things our
way. All of us learned about
flexibility. We had the opportunity to
work with another YWAM team who were from Juarez, Mexico all week. Sharing our times of ministry, getting to
know new people, and learning other ministry styles has been wonderful. Sharing a kitchen for two teams would not be
possible so we helped out the other team who already had a meal plan. This suited both teams perfectly.
First day of ministry began with putting fresh paint on
walls. One of the buildings rented by
the San Miguel Chicaj YWAM base still had its old school label pasted on the
front of it. The paint previously used
to paint these signs was oil based and we had new paint that was water
based. To begin, all that oil had to be
scraped off so the new paint would stick.
Then an entire new coat of paint was put on over the wall. Several of the Guatemalan men looked at
Jaimie weird because girls don’t usually paint and especially don’t climb a
ladder. I guess they got to see
something new as well because she didn’t mind what other people thought about
Visiting radio stations has become a routine for us in
Guatemala. There is a saying, “Third
time’s a charm” is actually quite true.
Everyone came back saying that it went better than the first two. I think we just needed some experience which
we all have received quite a bit by now.
Most of the other ministries we partook in were quite routine. Evangelism in the park is the same set up but
with different people God wants to encounter.
We do dramas to draw a crowd and give testimonies with the gospel
message. Afterwards, we all go out in
small groups to talk with the people. I
have yet to see a person come up to me so we have made the habit of going out
to the people. Many of us learn things
about the Holy Spirit and how he works during these times. Some of us see someone who God highlights but
we don’t know why. As we begin talking
with them, the Holy Spirit reveals more about the situation and then lovingly
pushes you out of your comfort zone with an action. The Holy Spirit can move in the other person
but most often, he wants to use us as his tools. For this reason, we have learned to be
comfortable in stepping outside our comfort zones.
Family is a huge part of the Central American culture. It is important that we take the
opportunities given us to go out into the community and visit families. Not one person on earth could say their life
is perfect. We all need prayer for one
thing or another and the people here are very eager to receive prayer. While I know of no miracles occurring this
week, many felt the Holy Spirit’s presence heavily during these times. I believe they are being healed, we just didn’t
have the opportunity to see the change. On
the other hand, we did receive word that Delila, one of our cooks in Yulmacap
and Barillas, has been healed. Delila
had a cyst which required surgery. We
all felt the Holy Spirit present and working before we said goodbye to her, but
didn’t receive word of her healing until after her next doctor
appointment. She joyfully contacted us
to share the wonderful news.
God is at work all around us. All one must do is simply be obedient and
open their eyes to see just how mightily God is moving. The joy we have found is that God does not
work from afar; he works through us.
Each time we obey his call to action, we bring God’s heavenly kingdom
down to earth. Heaven truly can touch
earth and the meeting point is you and I.
Día 1: domingo 22 de Noviembre
el día con desayuno luego empacamos el microbús y después empezamos nuestro
camino a San Miguel. Llegando a la base del lugar kathy y Daniel nos dieron
orientación sobre varias cosas. En la noche tuvimos servicio y después cena y
conocimos al equipo de Paso Juárez. Fuimos a ministrar a una Iglesia en la
noche y así termino el día
Día 2: lunes 23 de Noviembre
El día
empezó a las 8 am con desayuno. Después unos pintaron la pared de enfrente de
la casa donde estábamos hospedados mientras que otros limpiaban la casa por
dentro. A medio día almorzamos y luego salimos para el hospital de Salamá a
visitar y orar por los enfermos después también fuimos a evangelizar al parque
y fue un trabajo compartido con la otra EDE del paso Juárez. Tuvimos cena y
luego tuvimos intercesión dirigida por Manolo. Después recibimos el devocional
dado por Eliza. Compartimos nuestras altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 3: martes 24 de
El día
empezó a las 8 am con desayunó. Después tuvimos adoración dirigida por Yuli e
intercesión dirigida por Jaimie. Fuimos a Evangelismo Personal y algunos casa
por casa. A medio día almorzamos y luego salimos a la cárcel de Salamá a
visitar y evangelizar a los presos. Cenamos y en la noche fuimos a Evangelizar.
Tuvimos el devocional por Heidi. Compartimos nuestras altas y bajas y así
termino el día.
Día 4: miércoles 25 de Noviembre
El día
empezó a las 7am con el desayuno. Después nos dirigimos a la aldea donde
hicimos el ministerio compartiendo también con la otra EDE del paso Juárez.
Estando en la aldea se empezó a repartir casa por casa los nuevos testamentos
en Rabinal achi. Almorzamos y en la
tarde ministramos en la iglesia Nathareno en esa aldea. Regresamos a San Miguel
Chicaj y cenamos. Después en la casa
tuvimos servicio de adoración donde ministramos. Después tuvimos el devocional
por Pierce. Compartimos nuestras altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 5: jueves 26 de Noviembre
El día
empezó con el desayuno a las 8 am. Luego tuvimos ministerio en la Radio.
Después a medio día almorzamos. A las 2 pm salimos a otra aldea donde se fue a
evangelizar casa por casa y después cena. Luego hubo un servicio donde se
ministro igual compartiendo con la otra EDE. Después regresamos a la casa
compartimos un tiempo con Kathy y su equipo donde se despidieron. Después
compartimos altas y bajas y así termino el día.
Día 6: viernes 27 de Noviembre
el día empacando el microbús. Después tuvimos desayuno a las 8 am. Después nos
despedimos de la otra EDE del paso Juárez. Luego salimos con rumbo a la base.
Almorzamos y llegamos a las 3 pm. Tuvimos intercesión dirigida por Pierce.
Tuvimos tiempo libre. Cenamos y así termino el día.
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