Monday, May 29, 2017

YWAM Antigua June Update

We are gearing up for a very busy time at the base during the months of June through October.  We will be hosting 2 DTS groups on their outreach, conducting our Summer Spanish School and Outreach, serving 3 church groups coming for short term outreach, conducting a medical clinic, building a home and starting our next DTS. We were blessed to host a DTS from Chiriquí, Panama in May and also attend the Central America YWAM Conference in Guatemala City.
We anticipate construction on the next phase of our facility to begin in June.  The new construction will include garage space for 3 vehicles, a storage room and two large multipurpose rooms.  We are raising funds for this next phase and ask for your prayers to help us reach our goal of $40,000.
We are also in the process of securing legal recognition as an association in Guatemala.  This will give us the ability to receive donations, set up a bank account and help missionaries obtain visas to work with YWAM Antigua.
We are always looking for more voluntary missionaries who have completed a YWAM DTS to join us.  If you are interested in serving with us please contact us!
Our base is very involved in our community and the reports below are reflective of the work each of our missionaries is conducting to bring transformation to Guatemala.
Bruce & Susy Ahlberg

Our DTS starting in Feb. kept us very busy during the lecture phase. In the beginning of May, we attended together the YWAM conference in Guatemala City.

Afterwards the DTS Team ministered another week in the capital with Joshua and Joe and are now serving in Huehuetenango, a big city about 5 hours from here. We heard great reports of their ministry in parks, a prison and in a hospital. They are working together with a church, teaching, preaching and helping with their home groups, doing children’s ministry and a program for adults.

Sarah and I have been home during this time, helping at the base, taking time to pray, visiting people in need, meeting with friends for prayer and sharing and planning for a future team to come in the summer.

Just last week we welcomed a new staff member, Angela and currently I am helping her to settle in and find her way around in Antigua. It is great to have her, please pray for her to learn Spanish and to find her place in the ministry.

 Joe and Karin Bedford

  David King continues to dedicate much of his time to prayer and intercession.  His joy has been to see people find salvation and healing while he visited homes on Bible Distribution.  David has also enjoyed getting to know some of the recent volunteers that came through the base while working alongside them in the kitchen.  David, and his wife, Shawn, continue to enjoy offering hospitality in their home and have built many relationships in the community.  The Kings will be transitioning away from YWAM in July.  God is moving in their hearts to work with a children's home in another part of Guatemala.  They are thankful for the three and a half years God gave them with YWAM Antigua, and also excited about what the next season will bring.  
David and Shawn King

It is a blessing to share with you an update of what God is doing in Antigua Guatemala through the Mom´s Ministry where we have been working with YWAM Antigua. In March, we had the opportunity to help install over 200 water filters in the Ciudad Vieja community. Many received purified water, and some came to know Jesus as Living Water! We loved using the water filters as a way to share more about God´s love. We were also blessed to see the way about 45 moms from our moms' group helped distribute filters and serve the community alongside the teams that came. Even their children came along to help! It was a blessing to see the moms be empowered as leaders in their own community!

For His glory,
Renzo and Emma de Lopez


Con el gozo de nuestro corazón queremos compartirles que, 
Estos meses estamos enseñando a los niños como ellos pueden aprender mas de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y ellos poder compartirlo con otros, 
En estas imágenes uno de los niños esta compartiendo parte del tema de la semana a los demás niños.
Pedimos sus oraciones por los demás ministerios, (grupo de jóvenes, biblia interactiva, escuela de Alotenango, cocinando con madres, kids club,) 
Eder and Carolina Quiacain

Establishing His Kingdom in Guatemala! 
"Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Matthew 6:10

Greetings from a wet and rather cool Huehuetenango in the mountains of Guatemala! We are currently starting our 4th week of outreach and throughout the previous 3 weeks, we have witnessed God do some incredible things through us, our leadership team, and our students! God’s Kingdom is being established in the lives of many of the people that we have encountered and as a result, we know that transformation is happening here in the mountain region of this beautiful nation!

Week 1: Guatemala City
Our first week of outreach was serving in some of the darkest and poorest areas of Guatemala City. We decided to partner with 2 organizations, Mi Arca (located in the bus terminal) and Vidas Plenas (located in Lemonada). Both organizations work with children and youth who are growing up in extremely high risk situations and both are working to stimulate education and transformation in the hearts of this hurting children.

Being able to work again the bus terminal was extremely special for us as we were finally given the green light from God to return to the high risk children and street youth that we worked with from 2012-early 2016. It was beautiful to see all their faces again and to have times of laughing, playing, and embracing them with the love of the Father! At the same time, it was also quite heartbreaking to see that  many of these now adolescent girls were either pregnant or with a little baby. However, despite the heart break, we were still able to capitalize on the time we had with them to encourage them, pray over them, and release their God given identity over them!

Week 2&3: Huehuetenango
The last 2 weeks we have had the honor of serving Ministerios Vision de Reino in a town called Huehuetenango! Huehue is a town that Juli and I have invested in for many years now as we have brought multiple DTS teams here! It is a town that I believe it ripe for the harvest and that someday would be home to a future YWAM base. The main word that we felt before coming here was to “encourage, equip, and empower the local church.” So that has been our focus over these 2 weeks.  We have spent a great deal of time with the church members, in particular their leadership team. I have personally been teaching in a seminar on Spiritual Warfare, and at the same time, we have had the honor in visiting the local prision (ministered to and fed 283 prisoners.. plus we made the newspaper), praying for the sick and their families in the local hospital, washing windows at stop lights, talking with people about the love of God at the Central Park, and helping the church plant a new home group! Over these next week we will be visiting some local schools, continuing in the Spiritual Warfare seminar, and hosting a soccer tournament outreach!

Many Lives Have Been Impacted!
According to our numbers that we have been trying to keep up with, we have been able to minister to over 300 children, over 700 adults, and have seen at least 31 people surrender their lives to Jesus! We are very excited about the opportunities that God has given us here and look forward to the many more that we will have over the next 4 weeks. Please be praying for us over this next week as we finish up our ministry in Huehue! Next Tuesday (6th) we will be traveling again to another town here in the mountains called Xela, where we expect to continue in the call that God has given our team to “Encourage, Equip, and Empower the local church.”

David & Juli Voncannon

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