Bruce Ahlberg
After months of waiting we are finally getting ready to start construction on the new YWAM Antigua Base. We were blessed by a team of 15 men from San Pablo la Laguna who helped us clear the land and move some huge rocks. We are looking forward to moving to the new base as it will provide a much better facility for our ministries. Our goal is to construct the first level by Christmas and complete the second level as soon as possible as we receive the money needed. The architect has estimated that the second floor will cost about $60,000 and we will need to raise funds to complete it. We are receiving teams to help with the construction in late October, November and December. If you want to come down to help it would be greatly appreciated. Any money we can save on labor will help us with having funds for the second floor construction.
Our current DTS is in the fifth week of classes. We are praying for the outreach locations and ask that you pray with us. Our February DTS already has 6 students enrolled. They will be our first group in the new base facility.
We are going to offer a new program July 3-30 called Summer Spanish School and Outreach. It will include 3 weeks of Spanish language instruction combined with Discipleship training. The final week will be dedicated to outreach in communities in Guatemala.
I have been on staff at the base here in Antigua for about a month now and am adjusting to the flow of life here! I am in the process of learning Spanish, and am mainly helping with the kids ministries of the base. Tuesdays I prepare a Bible story, craft and games for the kids that come with their mothers to the weekly mom’s club at the base. Last week we had over twenty-five kids come! It is usually a slightly crazy, but fun time!
I’m Claire and I work primarily with the Discipleship Training School. This school we have six students from four different countries. Right now we are in the lecture phase of the school and my responsibility is to work with the girls. I meet individually with each girl every week and conduct a small group once a week. Apart from working with the girls I also help with all the activities involved with the school throughout the week. I am very blessed to be able to work along side these students as they grow deeper in their relationships with God and minister to God’s people.
We have started to run our second Discipleship Training School for this year! I am once again interpreting for the teachers who are coming to teach for a week to our students. We have two students from Guatemala, one student from Germany, one student from Honduras, and two students from the United States.
We had a couple from Guatemala City who came to teach on "God’s Nature and Character." It was a powerful class. They emphasized the fact that we need to know the God that we believed in to be able to share Him with others! God is merciful, God is truthful, God is love and He chooses to love us!
Yo soy nueva en la Base, tengo 2 meses de ser staff.
Bueno Dios a puesto en mi corazon de servir en el ministerio con las mujeres,ya que se encuentra tanta necesidad en ellas,para ser este canal de bendicion y que ellas tengan esta relacion con Dios y bean que Dios las ama.Tambien se hacen manualidades con ellas,ejercicio y asi las apoyamos para que ellas bean que Dios a cada una de nosotras nos a dado habilidades y destrezas,y por medio de esto tambiem les estamos afirmando que ellas pueden,Porque para Dios no hay nada imposible.
Tambien estoy apoyando en el ministerio de Kid’s Clubes un ministerio muy hermoso .El senor a puesto en mi corazon de compartir tiempo con los ninos,y mostrarles que Dios les ama y que el senor tiene un proposito grande para cada uno de ellos,que son la nueva generacion que se levantan para proclamar las buenas nuevas de Dios,Hemos visto el respaldo de nustro padre y sabemos que el tiene el control de todo lo que esta a nuestro alrededor y de nustra vida.
David and Shawn
Hello from the Kings! Thank you for praying for our family. We moved to Lake Atitlan in July and have begun an Operating Location as an extension of YWAM Antigua. We will be living at the lake full-time, and will be working to establish a permanent team here. We currently are involved in a church and Christian school by teaching the children’s programs, as well as evangelism, and networking with local pastors and getting involved with their outreach efforts into the community. Our focus of our Operating Location is prayer and spiritual restoration for families.
Aaron and Bri
Going on two years, we have run a ministry called Cafe Refrescante ( CafeRefrescante; for the homeless, drug dependents, and those involved in gangs. We have been actively working on getting them back onto their feet. We have had the privilege to send 3 of our guys through the Discipleship Training School program and one to seminary. We have seen a lot of change in the lives of our guys. It has been such a blessing to see our street guys ministering to their own because of the discipleship we have given them.
En estos siete mese que he estado con JUCUM despues de haber terminado la EDE de febrero a Julio de tiempo completo en los ultimos meses he estado sirviendo en los diferentes ministerios de la base especialmente en la cocina ayudando y preparando almuerzo y cena para el personal y los estudiantes, para mi es un placer servirles y ser util en esta area.
Te adjunto fotos de mis actividades, en la cocina con Florecita, con Eder y Sammy en la distribucion de las biblias, y algunas fotos de las actividades del club de ninos y recientemente apoyando el club de mujeres en actividades haciendo manualidades y ensenando a los ninos.
Lamentablemente ya no podre estar en la base de tiempo completo devido a que no cuento con suficiente apoyo financiero y me veo obligado a buscar un trabajo afuera de la base mientras que mi situacion economica mejora.
The first of August all five of my English classes graduated from their level. We plan to start a new 6 month semester at the end of semester. I have about 60 students, aged 7-56. They are all very dedicated and love learning English. I have developed some very close relationships with most of them and have had the opportunity to talk to some of them about my faith, intercession, and missionary work. I pray that these relationships are strengthened in the coming semester and that God provides more opportunities for me to share His love and Word with them.
EL ministerio de mamás ha crecido bastante, gracias al respaldo de Dios, cada martes recibimos a 45 mamás y se les enseña a hacer diferentes manualidades, como preparar ensaladas, postres y todo lo relacionado a cocina, durante los últimos tres meses fuimos a las casas de diferentes mamas para compartir con ellas el amor de Dios, porque durante el tiempo que convivimos con ellas en la base no tenemos suficiente tiempo para poder hablar personalmente con cada mamá y entendemos que ellas necesitan ayuda espiritual y material. Gracias a las donaciones de Aventuras y Misiones, hace un mes estuvimos instalando estufas para cocinar con leña para 12 familias, ahora las mamás que fueron bendecidas con una estufa para cocinar ya no sufren del humo y los niños ahora están fuera de peligro, porque algunos niños se quemaban mientras las mamas cocinaban con el fuego a la vista de los niños. Pedimos sus oraciones para que Dios guie y siga bendiciendo nuestro ministerio. |
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